Why Evergreen Local?
Feel free to take that 2-month adventure through Africa…we’ll take care of the house. That 6-week cruise around the Mediterranean?....we’ll take care of the house. Do you want to live in Palm Beach, Florida for 5 months?....we’ll take care of the house. This is why we created Evergreen Local.
Reliable Housesitting and Petsitting with Evergreen Local
Every homeowners insurance policy contains a 'vacancy clause' which kicks in after your home has been empty for 30 (or sometimes 60) days and nullifies all of your coverage. Don't risk it, hire Evergreen Local to look after your home.
Don't think that your insurance company will take up the slack and provide a safety net for your poor neglected home and its contents while you're away. It won't.
How to Hire a Good Housesitter/Petsitter
Housesitting and petsitting performed reliably and honestly by a dependable team at Evergreen Local. If you're considering hiring someone to help, here are some questions you should ask them. Read our blog entry.
Employee Spotlight: Tell Us About Yourself Katherine
Housesitting and petsitting performed reliably and honestly by a dependable team at Evergreen Local. Here is an in depth profile interview of one of our long-time team members Katherine.